Gunter Hill is a US Army Corps of Engineers Park (COE) just West of Montgomery Alabama. This was our second visit to this park and is one of our favorite stops as it checks a lot of boxes for what makes a visit enjoyable. As the park lies between Montgomery, the capital of Georgia and Selma there’s no shortage of the kinds of places we enjoy visiting.

However this visit, unlike our previous time here, we kept pretty close
Over two weeks into the trip this year and so far not a single noteworthy complication to report. Oh sure, a few snow flurries around Erie, PA that left us improvising an overnight stay at a Motel 6 parking lot. But even there the next morning temperatures had risen and most all the snow was gone.
RV breakdowns? So far just a leaky check valve on our water pump that I’m told can be replaced for twenty bucks. No crap flooding out of the onboard toilet like last year. No refrigerator malfunctions to force us to seek out supplies of ice—like last year. (see below)

And the weather? Not a single tornado warning causing us to seek shelter in the nearest park shower room with a dozen or so, possibly unvaccinated campers—like last year. (see below)

Not even any kind of severe rain or wind storm which found us in a park for days without park power or water—like last year. Just a couple days of a light rain and drizzle mixed in with bright, cool sunny days.
We now have come to the realization that absent any of these kinds of mini disasters to experience and write about, we are in reality two pretty damned boring travelers. I mean, who wants to read about us sitting on our butts watching several hours of satellite TV programs? Or the constant need to partake of a variety or snack food to keep our strength up?
Oh wait, there was one thing now that I think about it. We went for a walk! Yesiree, about a mile long trek around the loop we’re camped at. Of course we had to celebrate that odyssey by relaxing for a few hours on the recliners in front of the TV, and munching on snacks.
Yet the pessimistic side of my nature leads me to believe that some kind of misadventure may well be waiting for us in the near future. Something to write about. But even if we don’t experience such an occurrence I can always count on Jill’s amazing, innate Texan storyteller’s talents to embellish even a minor incident into a compelling adventure story.
During out stay here outside Montgomery we did manage to take in a few local sites:
Hurrah for walks! And fascinating local sites