Don’t be fooled by the name, Malden Lake Park is just across the bridge from Atlanta State Park on the shore of Write Patman Lake. This is a Corp of Engineers park that gives us old folks a huge discount with our “America The Beautiful” pass at all federal parks and museums.
The move represented a shift in my memories also. I left childhood on the other side of the lake and this side brought me in touch with my teen years. Diana and I were too “grown up” to hang out with David James now so our transportation upgraded to Diana’s International Scout and our circle of friends expanded to include girlfriends with whom to share slumber parties, sneaking out from those slumber parties, and cruising the local A&W Root Beer stand. Ah, the ‘60’s in Texarkana. I had forgotten about most of it until Diana arranged a lunch for us with Bobbi and Wendy. Bobbi was and still is Diana’s best friend. Wendy was my best bud in Texarkana. The four of us had quite a time together. It had been over 50 years since I had last seen them when three of us served as bridesmaids at Wendy’s wedding.

I had moved half way across the country, but did fly back for this event. Gladys, known as Mimi by all who knew her, threw Wendy a wedding shower. I do remember that. I also remember the dresses we wore without protest (at the time) to celebrate Wendy’s special day. Those dresses were lilac dotted Swiss with puffy sleeves and provided fodder for lots of laughter at lunch. As the four of us sat in the restaurant laughing and trading stories that began with, “Do you remember when…”, it was as though the intervening decades had never taken place. We ate, shopped, talked, laughed and cried when we had to go our separate ways. And of course, we promised to meet again next year!

The night before Tim and I were due to pack up and continue our trek toward the Catskills, we hosted another cookout with my family. My sister Julie even drove the 196 miles from Dallas to join us. Only our sister Jan who lives in California was absent and greatly missed. It did give us an opportunity to talk about her though.

Leaving Texas was both joyous and sad. I realized how many years of my life were spent drifting around looking for what was there all along. Meeker Hollow is my home now, but Texarkana holds my past and my roots.
Oh, the torments of dotted swiss! My sister made her bridesmaids, including her maid of honor (yours truly) wear mint green dotted swiss gowns with puffy sleeves and gigantic wide-brimmed hats. But I look terrible in lilac and best in green, so I’m relieved I was part of Wendy’s wedding party — haha!
But….y’all look so happy!
Amy, those were the days of big hair and false eyelashes too! I thought I looked great but looking back, not so much! The other three ladies haven’t changed a bit!
Jill, I am so happy you have had the opportunity to revisit some of the past and emerge with a smile on your face! Kudos to Tim also! Xoxo
I knew you would like this! I needed to reconnect and I have! YEA! They all think the world of Tim also.