We arrived at Alum Creek State Park just north of Columbus Ohio around noon on Sunday September 28th. Day 2 was much easier than we had come to expect on the road. Setting up camp was faster since the water at the park had been turned off due to freezing temperatures.

The reason for visiting Ohio was to see my kids, grand kids and my GREAT grandson! Because few of them are vaccinated we had declined to attend the family dinner planned for later that day preferring to see a few of them at a time outdoors at the park. We did much the same thing last year, receiving guests a couple at a time and leaving Christmas gifts on the picnic table just to wave and blow kisses through the large windshield to the people I love so much and miss terribly. It is amazing how fast the little ones grow up and soon they may only know Gigi and Pop-Pop as those two old people that show up in a big bus every year handing out Christmas presents!
The first to arrive on Monday was my beautiful daughter Nicole. (I dropped the word “step” years ago.) As it turns out, she had been vaccinated and was able to come inside Gladys and visit for a while. It was the longest time I spent with her since 2019! Her little one, Gianna was getting over a flu bug so she wasn’t with her. That’s what pre-school will do for you. As Nikki was driving away, the second shift drove up. It was my granddaughter Ashley with her son Able and mother Rhonda.
Rhonda and Nicole are half-sisters so Ashley’s four-year son, Able is Nicole’s three-year-old daughter Gianna’s nephew…or something like that. (Don’t even try to follow this family tree, it has more branches than a century old Sequoia.) This time we sat outside so it was a short visit. But still well worth the drive to Ohio to see them. Next year I hope to be able to kiss and hug them and all the rest of the family I did not even get to wave at this year. That will include a brand-new great granddaughter! Ashley and Brandon are pregnant and due in late April.
This visit was brought to you (and to me) by Mr. T. We had not originally planned to go to Ohio this year but seeing how disappointed I was, he made it happen. My own Santa driving a big bus and handing me Christmas presents.

I’m in love with the little guy holding the ice cream cone! What a cutie!
That is great grandson, Abel. He has the most mischievous grin and is a real dare devil. In a few months he will have a baby sister.